BiA Doula Training

BiA Doula Training

Blij en trots om het nieuwe logo van BiA Doula Training wereldkundig te maken! Sinds 2015 geef ik les bij BiA Doula Training (toen nog JJ Doula Training). Het is bijzonder om vrouwen les te geven die op weg zijn doula te worden, hen daarin te inspireren en te...
New Flyer

New Flyer

I made a new flyer for the services that I offer (in English and in Dutch! I better catch up with making an English version of my website…). You can find the description of the following services on this website: doula-support (birth companion) pregnancy &...

Incorporating shiatsu into my pregnancy massage practice

Recently I went on a wonderful trip to Glasgow, to do a specialty training in Shiatsu for Pregnancy for Massage Therapists by the inspiring Lucy Trend. The course is designed by experienced shiatsu practitioner Suzanne Yates (check it out...

Being a doula: the ultimate yoga practice

In the middle of a labour that was taking its own time, my client asked me ‘what is it that you enjoy about being a doula. Why do you do this work?’. Mind you, this was after having given continuous hands-on support for about 12 hours in a row with hardly a break; her...