I made a new flyer for the services that I offer (in English and in Dutch! I better catch up with making an English version of my website…). You can find the description of the following services on this website:

  • doula-support (birth companion)
  • pregnancy & post natal massage
  • babymassageJoyce Hoek-Pula ~ Embracing Birth Flyer 2017 ENG - JPEG
  • private session(s) preparation for birth (with birth partner)
  • teaching pregnancy massage (feet, lower back, shoulders, belly) to (birth) partner
  • session ‘broken waters no contractions’: a relaxing foot and lower back massage & stimulating acupressure points
  • session prior to induction / on the day of a ‘stretch and sweep’
  • breast massage at onset of mastitis
  • Spinning babies: a way to create balance in the body during pregnancy
  • Birth preferences
  • Labour Pain: Now What?! : a one-off workshop for pregnant women (and their birth partners) about pain during labour

For most sessions I come to the privacy of your house.

For more detailed descriptions & tariffs, see: doula supportcomplementary services

Joyce Hoek-Pula ~ Embracing Birth Flyer 2017 NLD - JPEG

